May 31, 2012

BlackBerry PlayBook 2.1.0 Beta for Developers Launches

Today we are releasing a beta of BlackBerry® Tablet OS 2.1.0 for developers to test their applications with. Developers can test using devices or a simulator, and there are some items that I think will be of particular interest.
The WebKit implementation on BlackBerry Tablet OS continues to keep pace with the latest updates to the WebKit project. There are numerous updates included which keep the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet at the forefront for Tablet Browsers in the market, as seen by our HTML5 Test Score (391 and 10 bonus points).

For a complete change log Inside Blackberry Developer Blog 

Warning: Only proceed with this upgrade if you are a developer that needs to test applications on BlackBerry PlayBook OS This upgrade supports applications developed using the following platforms: BlackBerry Native SDK 2.x or earlier, BlackBerry WebWorks, BlackBerry Tablet SDK for Adobe AIR 2.x or earlier. 

For More details here  BerryReview and  Crackberry  


  1. I like the potrait mode for email, some of the Android apps are working as they supposed too.anybody else experiencing the same issue ?


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