Check out what's been added to the latest Twitter for BlackBerry smartphones
- Updated Tweet Details Screen - Clicking a Tweet now brings
you to a content-rich Tweet details screen, designed to give you more
information around the Tweet. Geotagged Tweets will show mini maps, Tweeted
photos will appear larger, and Twitter conversations will be easier to follow.
In addition, you will be able to see who’s Retweeted a Tweet, and by whom it has
been Retweeted. To see a person’s profile screen, just click the profile picture
- Undo Retweet - You can now undo a Retweet that you may have
mistakenly Retweeted. You can undo a Retweet by using familiar actions used to
delete a Tweet. In addition, the new Tweet details screen allows you to select
the Retweet button to undo a Retweet.
Change Log (
- Cannot press 'L' to reply to all in Tweet details screen (BZ report)
- "Sorry you are not authorized to see this status" error popup on Tweet
details screen (BZ report)
- Seeing duplicate Replies in Tweet details page (BZ report)
- View Pictures are not full sized and cropped off in new Tweet details (BZ
- Undo Retweet fails
- Right to Left - Scrolling in timeline jumps over links, @mentions and
#hashtags to Retweeted by user link.