June 26, 2012

EXCLUSIVE: BBM for BlackBerry 10 First Look

Have you been wondering what BlackBerry Messenger on BlackBerry 10 could possibly look like? Now you get the very first glimpse ever! BBM in BlackBerry 10 will be taking full advantage of the OLED screen. How will it be doing that you ask? According to the internal slide, RIM will be opening up BBM to themes for a very special reason
RIM has been and always will be about saving battery life. By utilizing a darker theme and colors on BBM alone, RIM says it will significantly improve battery life. With just a simple black theme, RIM estimates that battery consumption can be decreased by as much as 25%. Additionally, RIM says with further optimization to take advantage of the OLED screen, you could decrease upwards of 75% battery consumption.
What do you think of the new look for BBM? We’re sure this isn’t the only way it will look. From what RIM has shown with Cascades, we may see some of those TAT animations play a role in the BBM UI. Nonetheless, it is great to see RIM working in every angle to optimize battery life. Let us know what you think!

 Source :N4BB


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