July 10, 2012

BlackBerry App World Hits 3 Billion Downloads

BlackBerry smartphone and PlayBook users around the world have downloaded over three billion apps since BlackBerry App World™ launched! (Editor’s Note: You can tell Victoria is excited, because she doesn’t like using exclamation points in blog posts)
Three billion app downloads averages out to over 2.5 million downloads each day.  What’s even more important – and impressive – is that the number of daily downloads continues to increase. It took 786 days to reach the one billion mark, 210 days to reach two billion, and only 176 days to reach the three billion number. I should also note that this number does not include apps downloaded from third party BlackBerry app stores, or those pushed internally at companies around the world, or those downloaded directly from the web.
Special thanks is due to the over 28,000 BlackBerry App World vendors and the BlackBerry App World storefront team. BlackBerry App World has continued to grow steadily with more than 90,000 applications now up for sale (we know other platforms use other metrics like submitted, or approved, but we prefer the more tangible “up for sale”).

source: Inside BlackBerry Developer


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